Defying media biases and offering “real-life style advice for grown-ass women,” Wardrobe Oxygen founder Alison Gary is truly a breath of fresh air.
Offering “real-life style advice for grown-ass women,” Alison talks with refreshing honesty about age, weight, wardrobe and money. In her fearless social media posts, she’s been known to shed her top to show the proper fit of a bra, wear outfits several times (oh my!) and appear in photos sans makeup, filters or Photoshop. It’s no wonder she has 17,500+ fans on Instagram. She certainly has all of us here at REALM in awe. (Appear without makeup? In photos? Online? At the age of 44? That’s brave in our book!)
At a time when so much of social media sets unrealistic standards, Alison Gary is truly a breath of fresh air. Her courage, strength and spirit also mirror qualities at the heart of REALM. This synergy is why I invited Alison to collaborate with us to share how she loves and lives in REALM.
The first thing I learned from Alison was how frustrating it can be for a plus-size woman to find a ring that fits. Standard stock sizes typically stop at size 8. So, as part of our collab, and to support and celebrate the diverse sizes of women, we’re offering one of Alison’s personal faves, our Empress Ring, with select silhouettes now available in sizes up to 11 and all four Shades of REALM.
I had so much fun getting to know Alison. You’ll discover in our Q+A below why we love her spirit and style.
Enjoy the interview!

ALISON GARY: The average American woman is my height and around my size, yet the majority of media and social media shows a completely different size and shape. Even with age diversity, it seems all that is seen are women under 30 and slim, toned women over 50 with amazing silver white hair. What about the rest of us? Wardrobe Oxygen offers real-life style advice for grown-ass women. Women who are teachers, project managers, stay at home moms, retirees, freelancers, and everything in between. In a world where it's hard to know who to trust, I pride myself on providing detailed and always honest reviews.

I'm a jewelry fan, and I love pieces that make a statement while also being timeless. I fell in love with REALM’s balance of beauty and strength, elegance with power. It really defines women.
The quality is stellar. These are pieces that will reside in my jewelry box for decades. It's made with such an attention to detail, with comfort even with larger pieces. I also love how the Domain symbol is used to create the Sceptre, Empire, and Insignia symbols which are seen all throughout the jewelry in subtle as well as bold design
"I love the message of REALM.
It fits how I feel as a woman,
how I want those who read
Wardrobe Oxygen
to feel about themselves.
We are beautiful, we are strong,
we are Empresses."
—Alison Gary

The Empress Insignia Ring. I love the Luxe [now Large] size on my hand, but all three silhouette sizes are that perfect mix of classic yet modern, chic and timeless, something that tells a story and gets more beautiful with time.
I love the message of REALM; I think it fits with how I feel as a woman and how I want those who read Wardrobe Oxygen to feel about themselves. We are beautiful, we are strong, we are Empresses.
We're in a time when women are running corporations and countries, starting to get the respect and opportunities that we deserve. We're also in a time where many selfish, mean-spirited, and damaging acts happen on a daily basis in our government, our communities, our social media feed. As strong women, we need to use our power for good.